It is an irrefutable fact that consciousness is necessary for political, social, and economic prosperity in any society. The secret of the development of developed countries is the ladder of consciousness, and in a short time, these countries have developed twice as much and begun to rule the world. If we look at the pages of history, we will see innumerable examples in front of us, where countries considered development as their jewel through the lens of consciousness. Our neighboring country, China, where few Countries were aware of its existence, emerged as a superpower in the 21st century and surprised the world with its political and economic achievements. China’s founding leader, Mao Zedong, was asked by someone, “What was the secret of China’s success?” He said that the existence of consciousness among the people Thus, there are many other countries that have achieved important political and economic achievements under this formula. The existence of consciousness among the people means that they should have political understanding, choose their representatives on the basis of merit instead of imitation, ask questions of them without discrimination or fear, and also uphold their constitutional rights. In those countries that are politically and economically weak, one can see political immaturity and a lack of awareness among the people, and on the other hand, lawlessness and political instability have also existed there for a long time. Thus, the status of such countries in international politics is negligible, and the supremacy of powerful countries continues. On the other hand, those countries that are suffering from political instability have also been enriched by God with natural resources. If we talk about Pakistan,then one can see problems from all sides because no government has solved the problems since 1947 and the people have been falling into problems. Today’s topic is political consciousness, but unfortunately, the lack of political awareness among the people living in Pakistan has been going on for a long time. This is the reason why the status of the country has not changed for the last seventy-five years; if the status has changed, only the status quo has been ruling the country for the past several decades. The Political Class has been using the poor and has been dashing their hopes, even though they do not provide them with their basic rights. On the other hand, the poor are always getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. A question arises here: “What are the reasons that Pakistan has always been ruled by capitalists, feudal lords, and military dictators, and they are still ruling?” These capitalists and feudal lords reach the assemblies through votes, and they also get votes from the people. Could the people ever recognize their true nature? There is only one answer to all these questions that the people do not have consciousness of, and it is the people who seem to be asking for votes for these capitalists and feudal lords. Often, on the day of the election, these people sacrifice their lives for the pleasure of their political masters and also represent these political masters in society. In the present era, politics in Pakistan has become an elite club where politicians are seen to protect their own interests and the people are pitted against each other for the sake of their own interests. And where the people do not care about their lives or wealth, their goal is only to please their political masters and be praised by them. If we talk about the current era, the political temperature in Pakistan is at its peak, and the level of tolerance in our society is decreasing day by day, which is leading the country towards more political instability. Therefore, it is necessary for the people to distinguish between right and wrong and elect representatives to the assemblies who know their problems and pains well.


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