In a commendable display of leadership, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has once again demonstrated her commitment to the welfare of the people. Amid a trend of declining inflation, the district administration in Lahore has announced a significant reduction in the prices of bread – commonly known as “double roti” – much to the relief of the residents. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to curb inflation and ensure that essential commodities remain affordable for all.

Price Reduction: A Significant Relief for Consumers

A recent notification issued by Lahore Deputy Commissioner Rafia Haider has fixed the maximum price of 750-gram bread at Rs180, down from the previous rate of Rs220 to Rs250. Similarly, the price of 400-gram bread has been reduced to Rs95, which was previously sold for Rs120 to Rs140. These new prices are effective immediately, bringing much-needed relief to consumers.

This reduction is enabled by the Punjab Price Control of Essential Commodities Ordinance, 2023, which was promulgated by the governor before the February 8 elections. This ordinance empowers the administration to regulate the prices of essential items, ensuring that they remain within the reach of the average citizen.

A Broader Trend of Price Reductions

This move follows a broader trend initiated by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, focusing on curbing inflation and activating district-level administration to monitor and control the prices of daily-use items. Earlier, the prices of roti had been reduced from an earlier high of Rs20 per 100 grams to Rs15-Rs16, and then further to Rs12-Rs14 in different districts.

The reduction in bread prices is expected to be mirrored in other districts of Punjab in the coming days, as district administrations follow the lead of Lahore. With wheat prices on the decline, thanks to proactive measures by the Punjab government, the prices of flour and other wheat-based products have also seen a significant drop. This positive trend is expected to continue, benefiting an inflation-hit populace.

The Role of Stakeholders

Earlier, Punjab Food Minister Bilal Yasin had set a deadline of May 27 for lowering the prices of various bakery items, citing a 30 to 48 percent drop in wheat and flour prices over the past two months. He urged bakery owners and mass producers to reflect these reductions in their product pricing, ensuring that the benefits of lower raw material costs are passed on to consumers.

Pro-People Policies Driving Positive Change

The latest measures underscore Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s dedication to implementing pro-people policies that directly address the economic challenges faced by the residents of Punjab. Her administration’s efforts to reduce inflation and make essential commodities affordable are bearing fruit, demonstrating effective governance and a deep understanding of public needs.


Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s proactive and people-centric approach to governance is clearly making a difference in Punjab. By ensuring that essential commodities like bread are affordable, her administration is not only providing immediate relief to the citizens but also setting a precedent for responsible and responsive governance. As inflation continues to decline, the people of Punjab can look forward to a more stable and affordable future, thanks to the visionary leadership of Maryam Nawaz Sharif.


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