
Political parties are the cornerstone of any democratic society, serving as vehicles for collective decision-making and representation. However, internal democracy within political parties is equally crucial to ensure transparency, inclusivity, and accountability. The recent election of Maryam Nawaz Sharif as the Senior Vice President of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) through a party voting process marks a significant step towards fostering internal democracy within the party. This blog explores the importance of internal democracy in political parties and how Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s election signifies progress in this regard.

The Significance of Internal Democracy

Internal democracy within political parties is an essential aspect of a healthy democratic system. It ensures that party members have a say in the decision-making process, promotes inclusivity, and prevents concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals. When parties embrace internal democracy, they become more representative of the diverse interests and perspectives of their members, thus enhancing their credibility and legitimacy.

The Evolution of PML-N’s Internal Democracy

The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), one of Pakistan’s major political parties, has witnessed significant developments in terms of internal democracy. The election of Maryam Nawaz Sharif as the Senior Vice President demonstrates the party’s commitment to fostering a more democratic culture within its ranks.

Previously, political parties in Pakistan, including the PML-N, often relied on familial or dynastic leadership structures. While the Sharif family has played a pivotal role in the party’s history, the recent election of Maryam Nawaz Sharif showcases a shift towards a more inclusive and participatory approach.

Empowering Party Members

By electing Maryam Nawaz Sharif through a party voting process, the PML-N has empowered its members to actively participate in the decision-making process. This exercise of internal democracy allows party members to voice their opinions and exercise their voting rights, thereby strengthening their sense of ownership and engagement within the party.

Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s election as Senior Vice President reflects a growing recognition that leadership positions should be determined through a democratic process, giving all members an equal opportunity to contribute and shape the party’s direction.

Upholding Transparency and Accountability

Internal democracy fosters transparency and accountability within political parties. By allowing party members to participate in the selection of key positions, the PML-N has demonstrated its commitment to a fair and transparent decision-making process. This not only promotes trust and cohesion within the party but also sends a positive signal to the public about the party’s commitment to democratic values.

Furthermore, internal democracy enables party members to hold their leaders accountable for their actions and decisions. With the involvement of a broader base of party members, there is a greater likelihood of checks and balances within the party, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of the party and its constituents.

Merit-based Leadership: Recognizing Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s Struggles and Contributions

Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s election as the Senior Vice President of the PML-N is not merely a result of her familial ties but a testament to her own merits and dedicated work within the party. She has earned this position through her tireless efforts and significant contributions to the party’s growth and success.

Maryam Nawaz Sharif has actively engaged with party workers and supporters, demonstrating her commitment to grassroots-level politics. Her unwavering dedication and relentless campaigning during electoral campaigns have played a crucial role in mobilizing supporters and enhancing the party’s electoral prospects.

She has also been an influential voice in advocating for democratic values, civil liberties, and social justice issues within Pakistan. Through her eloquent speeches and effective communication skills, Maryam Nawaz Sharif has successfully connected with the public, addressing their concerns and representing their aspirations.

Moreover, Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s role in organizing and leading political rallies and public events has been instrumental in strengthening the party’s presence and galvanizing its supporters. Her efforts have helped rejuvenate the party’s base and attract new members, ensuring its continued relevance in the political landscape.

It is important to acknowledge that Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s journey within the PML-N extends beyond her familial connection. She has actively engaged in party activities, immersed herself in the party’s vision, and worked tirelessly to uphold its values. Her dedication and achievements as a party worker and leader make her a deserving candidate for the role of Senior Vice President.


Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s election as the Senior Vice President of the PML-N through a party voting process represents a significant step towards internal democracy within political parties in Pakistan. By embracing a more inclusive and participatory approach, the PML-N has empowered its members and enhanced transparency, accountability, and credibility.

This move highlights the party’s commitment to evolve with the changing political landscape and signals a broader shift towards internal democracy within political parties in the country. It sets a positive example for other parties, inspiring them to adopt similar measures and strengthen democratic principles within their ranks.

Ultimately, internal democracy in political parties not only strengthens the party’s internal dynamics but also contributes to a more robust and vibrant democratic system as a whole. Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s election as the Senior Vice President of the PML-N is not solely based on her family lineage but is a result of her own struggles, contributions, and merits as a dedicated party worker. Her commitment to the party’s principles, tireless efforts, and ability to connect with the public have earned her the respect and support of party members.

By recognizing Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s accomplishments, the PML-N has exemplified the importance of merit-based leadership and the value of individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to the party’s cause. This step further reinforces the party’s commitment to internal democracy and ensures that leadership positions are determined by a combination of merit, dedication, and the ability to serve the party and its constituents. Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s ascent to the position of Senior Vice President not only reflects her personal achievements but also highlights the PML-N’s commitment to fostering a culture of inclusivity, transparency, and meritocracy within the party.


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