Pakistan has seen significant political changes in recent years, with the rise of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party and the decline of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party. Despite this shift in popularity, it can be argued that the PML-N is a better political party than the PTI. In this blog, we will discuss why the PML-N is a better party than the PTI.

1. Experience

Since the 1990s, the PML-N has been a significant political party in Pakistan, whereas the PTI was created in 1996 but did not join mainstream politics until 2013. Multiple terms in government have provided the PML-N with the essential expertise and understanding of how to rule a nation. The PTI, on the other hand, has only recently come to power, and its lack of expertise is evident in its handling of many issues.

2. Economic Policies

The PML-N’s economic policies have contributed to the stabilisation and expansion of the economy. They have prioritised infrastructure development, foreign investment promotion, and employment creation. However, the PTI has had difficulty stabilising the economy and creating jobs, and its policies have been criticised for being confusing and ineffective.

3. Social Welfare

Historically, the PML-N has supported social welfare initiatives, such as providing free healthcare and education to people in need.

In Pakistan, they have also sought to better the position of women and minorities. In contrast, the PTI has not placed as much emphasis on social welfare initiatives and has been accused of not doing enough to better the lives of those in need.

4. Law and Order

PML-N has taken great measures to minimise crime and terrorism. Additionally, they have sought to enhance the legal system and provide enhanced safety for residents. However, the PTI has been criticised for not doing enough to strengthen peace and order, as crime rates in many parts of the country remain high.

5. Foreign Policy

The PML-N has a long history of fostering good relations with foreign nations, and they have been effective in bolstering Pakistan’s standing in the international community. Additionally, they have attempted to enhance relations with neighbouring nations like India and Afghanistan. Many have accused the PTI of being overly dependent on China and not doing enough to promote Pakistan’s interests on the international scene.

6. Corruption

The PML-N has been attacked for corruption; however, they have taken major measures to combat corruption and increase openness. They have worked to hold corrupt officials accountable and have established a number of anti-corruption measures.

In contrast, the PTI has been condemned for lacking transparency and failing to hold corrupt officials accountable.

7. Democracy

The PML-N has always been committed to democracy and has fought to enhance Pakistan’s democratic institutions. They have been committed to respecting the rule of law and promoting free and fair elections.

However, the PTI has been accused of being anti-democratic, with many claiming that they utilise their power to crush opponents and suppress dissent.

In conclusion, while the PTI has gained support in recent years, the PML-N is perhaps the better political party. The PML-N has a solid track record in terms of economic policies, social Welfare, law and order, foreign policy, anti-corruption measures, and the promotion of democracy. On the other hand, the PTI has been criticised for their lack of expertise, confusing policies, lack of emphasis on social Welfare, inability to enhance law and order, and questionable foreign policy. Before making an informed decision in an election, it is essential for citizens to analyse the performance, platform, and track record of each party.


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