On a significant Tuesday, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz unveiled a groundbreaking initiative aimed at transforming the public service delivery system in the province. The newly launched “Maryam Ki Dastak App” promises to bring a range of government services directly to the doorsteps of the residents of Punjab, tackling long-standing issues of inefficiency and accessibility.

A Game-Changer in Public Services

The “Maryam Ki Dastak App” offers a plethora of services including the issuance of domicile certificates, e-stamping, birth and death certificates, marriage and divorce certificates, vehicle registration and transfer, as well as tax payments. With this app, residents no longer need to endure the hassle of multiple visits to government offices, long queues, inconsistent information, and the notorious Commission Agent Mafia. Instead, a government representative will visit their homes to complete the necessary documentation, and the finalized certificates will be delivered directly to their doorsteps.

Streamlined and User-Friendly

Citizens can schedule visits from representatives via user-friendly web portals or mobile applications, ensuring a seamless and frustration-free process. The app incorporates a commission-based representative model to enhance efficiency and citizen satisfaction. Additionally, it includes a feedback and rating system to promote accountability and continuous improvement. Multiple online payment options are also available, further enhancing accessibility and convenience for users.

A Commitment to Public Welfare

Speaking at the launch ceremony, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz emphasized the Punjab government’s commitment to providing relief to the people of Punjab. She highlighted that the “Dastak” app is a significant step in this direction. In a remarkable announcement, she revealed that 70,000 jobs will be created for the youth through this platform. This initiative is not just about service delivery but also about employment generation, thereby contributing to the economic upliftment of the province.

Comprehensive Healthcare Services

The Punjab government’s commitment to public welfare extends beyond the “Dastak” app. Maryam Nawaz also mentioned the successful launch of the Ramadan package and field hospitals. In a notable expansion of healthcare services, essential medicines are now being delivered to people’s doorsteps. Additionally, cancer patients are receiving two months’ worth of medication at their homes, ensuring they have access to vital treatments without the need to travel.

A Technological Leap

The launch event showcased the technological prowess of Punjab’s institutions. At the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) stall, a robot greeted the Chief Minister and provided a briefing on the Dastak app. At the Information Technology University (ITU) stall, Maryam Nawaz conducted a virtual inspection of the Dastak Office in Arfa Karim Tower through Metaverse Technology. This integration of cutting-edge technology underscores the forward-thinking approach of the Punjab government in enhancing service delivery.

Inclusive and Accessible

Initially, the “Maryam Ki Dastak App” will provide ten essential services to all citizens, including senior citizens, women, the sick, and the disabled. These services encompass domicile certificates, e-stamping, birth and death certificates, marriage and divorce certificates, motor vehicle transfers, property tax, token tax, and new vehicle registration. Citizens can access these services through a dedicated number, mobile app, or public portal, and track their applications using a tracking ID.

A Unified Effort

The launch event was graced by notable figures, including Senator Pervaiz Rashid, Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, and several other provincial ministers and members of the Punjab Assembly. The presence of the Chief Secretary, IG Punjab, and other senior officials underscored the unified effort behind this initiative.

A Vision for the Future

The “Maryam Ki Dastak App” is a testament to the Punjab government’s vision of a modern, efficient, and citizen-centric public service delivery system. By leveraging technology and innovative approaches, the government aims to make life easier for its citizens, ensuring they receive the services they need with minimal hassle.

In conclusion, the launch of the “Maryam Ki Dastak App” marks a significant milestone in Punjab’s journey towards better governance and public service delivery. It embodies the government’s dedication to serving its people and creating a more efficient, transparent, and accessible system for all. As this initiative unfolds, it holds the promise of setting a new standard for public service delivery in Pakistan and beyond.


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