In a significant move towards enhancing healthcare accessibility in rural Punjab, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has launched the innovative ‘Field Hospital’ programme. This groundbreaking initiative aims to bridge the gap in healthcare services by delivering essential medical assistance directly to the doorsteps of rural communities. With the establishment of 32 field hospitals across the province, the government underlines its commitment to prioritize the health and well-being of every citizen, regardless of their geographic location.

The field hospitals comprise 21 mobile healthcare units and 11 small field hospitals (mobile diagnostic units), strategically deployed in underserved rural areas. This comprehensive approach ensures that even the remotest villages have access to vital healthcare facilities. By repurposing containers, formerly associated with destructive activities, into platforms for healing, the government showcases a remarkable transformation in its utilization of resources for the greater good.

Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, in her address at the inauguration ceremony, emphasized the program’s targeted intervention strategy to address the disproportionately higher rates of adverse health outcomes in rural communities. Through a Pay-for-Performance Model, healthcare providers are incentivized to deliver high-quality, cost-effective care, thereby ensuring the efficient utilization of resources and improved health outcomes.

These field hospitals offer a wide range of services, including outpatient departments, immunization for newborns, maternity services, surgical facilities, and the presence of lady health workers. Such comprehensive healthcare provision addresses various healthcare needs of the rural populace, contributing significantly to reducing health disparities and improving overall health outcomes.

Maryam Nawaz’s commitment to ensuring the provision and availability of health-related services throughout Punjab is evident. Within a short span of six months since assuming office, numerous field hospitals have been established, demonstrating proactive governance and a steadfast dedication to public welfare.

The launch of the Field Hospital programme not only marks a milestone in healthcare delivery but also reflects visionary leadership and a compassionate approach towards addressing the healthcare needs of marginalized communities. By leveraging resources effectively and prioritizing public health, the government sets a precedent for proactive governance and citizen-centric policies.

Furthermore, Maryam Nawaz’s tribute to labourers on International Labour Day underscores the government’s commitment to uplifting the quality of life for all citizens. Acknowledging the invaluable contributions of labourers, the government pledges to ensure fair wages, protection, and respect for their rights through initiatives like the ‘Occupational Safety Act’.

In conclusion, the inauguration of 32 field hospitals across Punjab heralds a new era of accessible and equitable healthcare delivery. Through innovative strategies and a commitment to public service, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz and her government demonstrate a profound dedication to improving the lives of all citizens, particularly those in underserved rural areas. As these field hospitals begin their operations, they symbolize not just structures of healing, but beacons of hope for a healthier and more prosperous Punjab.


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