CM Maryam Nawaz inaugurates Pakistan's first virtual women police station  Meri Awaz…Maryam Nawaz

In a significant stride towards enhancing women’s safety and empowerment, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz recently inaugurated Pakistan’s first virtual women police station, “Meri Awaz…Maryam Nawaz.” This groundbreaking initiative marks a transformative approach to addressing the safety concerns of women while leveraging technology to provide efficient and accessible support.

The Virtual Women Police Station stands as a beacon of progress, offering women a platform to seek assistance and justice without the need to physically visit police stations, which often pose logistical and psychological barriers. Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s foresight in launching this project underscores her commitment to ensuring the well-being and rights of women across Punjab.

One of the most commendable aspects of the Virtual Women Police Station is its comprehensive approach to addressing women’s issues. From FIR registration to investigation and trial, every stage of addressing a crime is streamlined to provide women with guidance and support. Through various channels such as the 15 Call, Women Safety App’s live chat and video call features, Punjab Police App, and the Safe City web portal, women can access assistance promptly and discreetly.

Maryam opens first-ever virtual women police station

Privacy and confidentiality are paramount in empowering women to seek help without fear or hesitation. The assurance of anonymity offered by the Virtual Women Police Station allows women to share their concerns with confidence, knowing that their identity and personal details will be protected. The introduction of a live video call feature further enhances communication, enabling women to convey their problems effectively, including their location, to facilitate immediate assistance.

Moreover, the deployment of IT graduate women police communication officers demonstrates a strategic approach to providing specialized support tailored to the needs of women complainants. Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s emphasis on installing modern emergency panic buttons in key locations across Lahore reinforces the commitment to ensuring swift response mechanisms and enhancing public safety.

Pakistan's first Virtual Women Police Station inaugurated

Furthermore, the integration of technology-driven solutions such as artificial intelligence in traffic management underscores the government’s proactive approach to modernizing law enforcement and ensuring compliance with regulations. The launch of the “CM Maryam Nawaz Free Wi-Fi” service at multiple locations across Lahore reflects a holistic approach to enhancing connectivity and access to information, further empowering communities.

In addition to the Virtual Women Police Station, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s vision encompasses the development of essential infrastructure such as hostels and daycare centers for women officers, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment within law enforcement agencies.

As we applaud the inauguration of Pakistan’s first virtual women police station and the concerted efforts of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, it’s essential to recognize that ensuring women’s safety is not just a legal obligation but a moral imperative. By leveraging technology, fostering accountability, and promoting inclusivity, Punjab sets a precedent for proactive measures to create a safer and more equitable society for all.

In conclusion, the Virtual Women Police Station epitomizes a progressive approach to addressing gender-based violence and empowering women to assert their rights. Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s unwavering commitment to women’s safety and empowerment is indeed laudable, setting a benchmark for effective governance and social change in Punjab and beyond.


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