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Without a doubt, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) received funds from foreign corporations, which is against Pakistani law, according to the Election…

Jemima Khan Reveals Imran Khan’s Daughter Tyrian White, Causing an Uproar and Impacting Ongoing Case in Islamabad High Court” – In a recent interview with the Daily News, Jemima Khan revealed that Imran Khan’s daughter Tyrian White, whom he had previously refused to accept as his own, is in fact his daughter. This news has caused a stir, especially since there is an ongoing case in the Islamabad High Court against Imran Khan for allegedly hiding his daughter’s existence in his nomination papers for the 2018 elections. The revelation is likely to have wide-ranging implications both personally and politically for Imran Khan, and the court’s response to this new information is yet to be seen.