Author: Uneeza Mujeeb

Women hold up half of the sky. In a historic twist of fate, the winds of change have swept through the corridors of power in Pakistan. On February 26, 2024, Maryam Nawaz shattered the glass ceiling and emerged as the first woman to assume the role of Chief Minister in Punjab, the country’s most populous province. Against a backdrop of political turmoil and societal skepticism, she has risen like a phoenix, embodying the essence of women’s empowerment in a nation where politics has long been a male-dominated arena. Maryam Nawaz’s journey to this unprecedented milestone was anything but easy. For…

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Dulce et Decorum est (It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country) is a very popular phrase taught to every young soldier, so he takes up a weapon and puts his life in danger when standing at the state’s border. However, when that very son of the soil is questioned and pulled weapons at by the very people he is protecting, a dilemma befalls the state. One of its examples is the fatal date of May 9, which brings back awful memories of violent anti-state civil military clashes. Today, as we approach the mournful centenary of this tragic…

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